Logger Script FeliCa over SWP test solutions - Micropross ::NUBICOM::
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FeliCa over SWP 테스트 솔루션 U-SIM 가능한 모바일 폰 및 NFC용

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The Asian market has vastly adopted the FeliCaTM technology for use in public transportation fare collection or within e-purses. Original form factors were ID-1 smart cards or mobile phones which directly embed a FeliCaTM secure element.

While this implementation worked well, it did not "fit" with other standard NFC devices, which defined interchangeable secure elements. These secure elements were installed in the USIM of the mobile phone and communicated with the mobile phone using the SWP link.
In addition, the normal ETSI specifications defining SWP and HCI exchanges did not define anything for FeliCaTM based exchanges. Micropross offers a full test suite, developed in collaboration with Sony—the inventors of FeliCaTM— allowing you to test the ability of a USIM embedding NFC and the CLF components of a mobile phone to handle FeliCaTM based NFC transactions. This is a product that contains added SWP/HCI validation scripts compared to the ones defined by ETSI.

The hardware configuration best suited to test FeliCaTM compatible U-SIM or CLF components is very similar to the one recommended for regular SWP/HCI tests :
  • for the test of U-SIM : the MP300 TC3 shall be used
  • for the test of CLF components : the MP500 TCL3 shall be used in conjunction with a MP300 SC2. The contactless testers would trigger the CLF to generate traffic over the SWP interface, whereas the SWP U-SIM simulator would communicate with the CLF over the SWP interface.

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사용 예

  • SWP and HCI initialization
  • REQ command handling
  • Normal command handling
  • Protocol parameters Type F
  • Misc. Timing measurement
  • 가족친화우수기업
  • 청년친화 강소시업
사업자등록번호 : 220-86-72761대표이사 : 신동만대표전화 : 070-7872-0701팩스 : 02-2167-3801
(우)07299 서울특별시 영등포구 경인로 775 (문래동 3가, 에이스하이테크시티 3동 2층)